The Neighborliness Center has designed a programmatic approach to end poverty for families across America. This 3 year family program can be launched in any neighborhood, church, or organization. Join us as we work to ensure every neighbor has an opportunity to escape poverty. 


This approach focuses on families living within a specific geographical area. The three-year family program can be launched in cohorts up to 100 families. 

This is the most dignified form of community development and directly combats the displacement that occurs with most gentrification efforts.

Families will aim to graduate the program at or above the average household income of the county in which they reside. 


This approach equips churches and faith communities to end poverty for every family in their congregation. 

Provide families experiencing poverty in your faith community access to financial planning, a social worker, and an optional discipleship track for three years.

This program can be overseen by the TNC team removing any capacity issues a church or faith community may have in cohorts anywhere between 1-100 families.


This approach equips businesses and large organizations to end poverty for every employee or customer their entity serves.

Provide families experiencing poverty the opportunity they need to go from poverty to middle class in just three years thanks to the generosity of your company.

This program can be overseen by the TNC team to prevent any organizational restructuring to facilitate this program. Cohorts can be anywhere between 1-100 families.